Food & Games: How A Trivia Night Can Save Your Worst Trading Days

Food & Games: How A Trivia Night Can Save Your Worst Trading Days

If you’ve done all you can, but still aren’t seeing more customers coming into your restaurant, you might want to try hosting a trivia night. Taking on the form of popular TV shows such as Jeopardy, they are a fun way to engage customers and build loyalty. It’s therefore not surprising that some restaurants have experienced a surge in sales after introducing trivia nights.

Choose the right trivia company

Not sure where to start? There are a few companies which are willing to plan and deliver the trivia contest for you. All you have to do is provide the venue. 

When selecting a trivia service provider, look for one that will give customers an experience which is in line with your brand. This calls on you to know your customers and the type of entertainment that would be suitable for them. Ask detailed questions about the quiz host, since he or she will be driving the contest. If possible, find a company that has a variety of hosts to choose from. This may help you to find someone to host the evening, who is best suited for your restaurant. 

It is worthwhile to sit down with the host and give them an idea of the crowd that will be at the restaurant. In addition, give the host an overview of your brand and the type of atmosphere you want to create. This will include the type of language and jokes that you would like used throughout the trivia night.

Working hand in hand with your chosen trivia company, ensure that the questions have been well researched and are accurate. Nothing will put customers off more than being told their answer is wrong, when in fact they are correct. The questions should be of a difficulty level suitable for your restaurant patrons. They should neither be too easy nor too difficult. 

Some restaurants hold trivia tournaments, where people get knocked out at various levels. Others keep it simple with a few rounds done every week. The mechanics of the competition are up to you. The key is to pay attention to what your customers like and use that as a basis for your trivia night setup. Your goal is to provide a great experience as this will encourage customers to come back every week.

Rethink your menu

Since the trivia game could last for up to two hours, customers interested in taking part in the contest are bound to order meals or drinks. Some restaurants have come up with special items on their menu, served only during trivia nights. This helps to add to the intrigue and fun of the evening.

Spread the word

Once you have chosen the format of the trivia night and decided on the menu, you have to let people know about it. Start by creating posters that will be placed in and around your restaurant. Passersby should be able to see that you have something new coming up. Depending on the type of space you have, you may place messaging on the windows and put up posters in the street in front of the restaurant.

Create artwork to share on social media and in your local newspapers. Once customers start coming in and taking part in the contest, they will share their experiences with their friends on social media. This will result in more people knowing about your trivia night and some may even want to participate.

With careful initial planning, hosting trivia contests will result in more foot traffic into your restaurant. Done on a regular basis, trivia nights may just be the push your restaurant sales need.

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